About |
Investment-Gateway.eu is an independent and impartial (no charge) online point-of-contact to leading supplier-firms in Cyprus that provide investment strategies to the EU and EMEA region, namely with regards to setting up a Cyprus company formation, then subsequent professional services, including company administration and maintenance services, global tax planning solutions, accounting and auditing, wealth management, as well as international banking.
Investment-Gateway.eu is a niche online platform and forum of information exchange, also providing added-value content and tools for making the right business decisions and supporting your global investments, such as sector information, news, reviews from industry professionals, publications and documents from credible sources, and macro economic statistics.
The Investment-Gateway platform and referral service is completely free-of-charge. Beyond this, it takes action on climate change, by contributing to environmentally sustainable projects around the world, especially in developing regions such as India, China, Brazil and Africa. Only if you choose, this contribution can then be attributed to your newly incorporated company, boosting image, credibility and exposure around the world, whilst offering real "company substance".
Why invest in Cyprus and via Cyprus?
Cyprus is fast becoming one of the most popular jurisdictions for financial and professional services in the world. Together with excellent infrastructure, geographical location, as well as political and economic stability, this has made this island-state an ideal platform for investments to the EU, Europe, Russia and CIS, Middle East and Africa, but also the rest of the world. Cyprus is a credible, experienced and developing jurisdiction. In fact, the professional services sector alone represents four fifths of national GDP. No doubt, testament to its successful operation.
Cyprus. An ideal investment platform:
- Cyprus is in EU, Eurozone & Commonwealth
- On the OECD white list of territories which have substantially implemented the internationally agreed standard in tax transparency
- Ideal geographical location for investment activities, especially to EMEA region
- Geopolitical stability & business friendly Government
- Macroeconomic resilience & growth, with great prospects for boom
- Extremely well developed infrastructure for professional services
- Healthy, conservative and diligent Cypriot banking sector, and
- Easily the most favourable tax planning system in the European Union
- Lowest corporate tax rate in the EU
Tax efficiency via Cyprus.
Most competitive and credible solution in the world. Cyprus has the lowest corporate tax rate in the European Union and is the lowest non-offshore, non-tax haven tax jurisdiction in the world. Tax efficiency via Cyprus includes:
- Lowest corporate tax rate in European Union (12.5%)
- One of the lowest non-offshore tax jurisdiction in the world
- No withholding tax
- No tax on dividends, capital gains or investments in other companies.
One contact, multiple options. An ideal starting point-of-contact.
Investment-Gateway.eu has done the initial ground-work for professional services in Cyprus, such as incorporating a company formation or entity in Cyprus and the EU, as well as other jurisdictions in the world, having established relationships with various leading partner supplier-firms. So when you need a quotation, Investment-Gateway.eu offers multiple options, and helps you select the most suitable supplier-firm for your requirements – making the introduction.
Investment-Gateway.eu has the advantage of time and presence to thoroughly research and successfully establish these partnerships, with on-going meetings and correspondence. The goal is to offer multiple options for solutions, thus make sure clients receive the best service, in good time and at the best possible price. As independent and impartial, Investment-Gateway.eu is here to make sure the entire process is efficient, professional and always in the client's best interest.
Key services provided by Investment-Gateway's partner supplier-firms include:
* Cyprus company formations
* Company formations in other jurisdictions
* Cypriot ready-made shelf companies
* Accounting, audit & global tax planning
* International banking offshore
* Wealth managements and trust funds
* Company administration & maintenance
* Company substance and compliance
* Offshore business websites
* Website domains & hosting offshore, among other