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E*HealthLine - Personal Health Record System - VITAL© - Changing the Face of Healthcare
VITAL©, An Integrated Personal Health Record System, Providing SmartCard and Wireless Technology. Accessibility and Connectivity to Consumers, Physicians, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Labs, and Health Plans.
** For Immediate Release**
Sacramento, California November 8, 2007 -- E*Healthline.com, Inc. Announced the release of the company’s VITAL SmartCard © and VITAL Wireless© Personal Health Record System that connects consumers to secure real-time detailed personal medical history and insurance information, along with integrated wellness programs, from any where at anytime.
The VITAL SmartCard© and VITAL Wireless© technology enables accessibility to secure online Integrated Personal Health Records, where consumer, providers (physician, hospital, laboratories .etc) and care managers can capture, exchange, review, update, track and manage personal health information. “These revolutionary systems truly assist in overcoming portability, interoperability and connectivity between the consumer, Provider and Payors issues. VITAL© assists consumers and clinicians in making informed decisions concerning day-to-day care management, while eliminating needless errors, and improving the overall quality of care,” said Dr George Jutlia, Family Medical Group’s, Chief Executive Officer.
VITAL© Personal Health Records Integrates HIPAA Security Core Principles, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic protected health information. The System creates, receives, maintains, and transmits information; while protecting against any reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information.
“E*HealthLine’s Medical Advisory Consortium has formulated an extensive Policy and Procedure platform that is fully compliant to HIPAA regulations, and exceeds all designated guidelines. We are watchful of the consumer’s most important asset, their Personal Health Records,” said Georgette Smart, E*HealthLine, Chief Executive Officer.
About E*HealthLine
The E*HealthLine Enterprise web based solutions represents “state of the art” electronic clinical, financial and administrative information management tools, delivering “real-time” information, while optimizing workflow, accelerating decision-making during vital diagnosis and providing overall improvement for patient care. The company’s business model is comprised of ten (10) main HIPAA complaint Integrated Healthcare Information Management Systems to include: Integrated VITAL© (PHR), Eprescribe© Integrated Prescription Writer with Electronic Medical Records. Phoenix© Integrated Practice Management System with Electronic Medical Records, Eternity© Integrated Health Plan System, Hope© Disaster Information Management System, Enrollment System, Preventive© Preventive Care System, ISIS© Hospital Information System, EDIMS© Emergency Department Information Management System, Sphinx© Financial Management System, OTIMS© Operating Theatre System
The Company's business units provide unique solutions that inform, connect and transform E*HealthLine’s award-winning software applications.
To learn more, visit E*Healthline on the Web at http://www.ehealthline.com/
E*Healthline.com, Inc.:
Mary Johnson
VP Public Relations