RateTea was the first interactive website where anyone can submit numerical ratings of teas. We also have the most detailed database of teas on the web.
Our database of teas is classified by brand, style, and region. Browse our database:
- Brands & Tea Companies - Our listing of tea companies and their teas
- Styles & Varieties of Tea - Read about different types of tea
- Tea-producing Regions - Browse different countries and sub-regions important in tea production
- Map of Tea Places - Listings and reviews of local tea shops, tea rooms, and other businesses with a focus on high-quality loose-leaf tea. Searchable by map, as well as by state or province.
We also have articles on numerous topics related to tea:
- Tea & Sustainability - Fair trade, organic agriculture, composting, and other issues at the intersection of sustainability and tea drinking and production
- Caffeine Content of Tea - Information on the caffeine content of various types of tea.
- Other Tea-Related Articles - Information on the health benefits of tea and other helath-related topics, caffeine & decaffeinated tea, guides on brewing tea and multiple infusions, and other tea-related topics.