
What is coaching? In it's most basic form...coaching is a confidential, ongoing, supportive, one-on-one, deliberately-formed relationship focused on one thing: your success. Coaches are hired to help their clients achieve their goals, strategize with them to solve their problems, and make the most of themselves and their opportunities.

Do you ever wish that someone could give you one piece of information that would change your perspective on your life, career or business? Life is all about perspective. The changes we make regarding perspective make all the difference in the outcome of our lives.

Coaching is all about examining perspectives and making the changes necessary to create success. The lens by which we view our life can greatly affect the outcome of every aspect of life. Whether you are seeking work/life balance, stress reduction, seeking more success in your business, feeling unfulfilled, working through a loss, need to gain control of time or space, or just need help getting "unstuck", coaching can help you change your perspective.

People who seek coaching want their future to be different and they realize they must make changes in attitudes, thinking, perceptions and behavior.  At Refined Perspectives we want to help you get a new “perspective” on your life that will create positive change that will last a lifetime.

Refined Perspectives specializes in working with small business owners who need assistance in learning how to develop a positive and honest personal brand, developing a marketing strategy, setting and achieving goals, learning time management skills, and staying focused what they need to do to achieve success.

The coach, Sharon Schierling, is a certified Christian Life Coach and holds an MBA from Tiffin University.  She takes her clients through a process of understanding themselves, carefully teaching them how to utilize their strengths and overcome their weaknesses to realize their dreams.  Helping clients find their passion and purpose and then leading them through the process of defining their personal values, she gives them a clear vision for what they wish to achieve.    With that clear vision in place clients are able to step into the success they are longing to achieve.

Sharon believes that everyone was designed to achieve their purpose.  Most people have never really taken the time to understand what that purpose might be and those who do consider purpose often lack the skills necessary to find out what they are meant to do.

For those rare folks who have the vision of what they want to achieve, but are either afraid to step out or don't know what to do next, Sharon provides encouragement and direction.  

Life is not always easy, all of us face challenges and set backs.  The key to successful living is not being happy and satisfied every minute, but rather it is possessing skills necessary to make adjustments when things are less than ideal.  When we learn about ourselves and know what we value deeply, we become confident enough in our own ability to cope with whatever life deals us.  That is the aim of coaching, to provide the skills people need to be successful in life and work.  

Success is different for everyone. Success for the coach is helping you know what your definition for success looks like and how you can get there.