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Rockstand has a wide range of eBooks and eMagazines from the best authors and publishers in India and Abroad. You can read renowned books like Men of Steel, Corporate Chankya, Ambani & sons, Dongri to Dubai, Breaking Barriers, Mills & boon collection, The best of Speaking Tree, The Effective Manager and popular magazines like FHM, Femina, Filmfare, Stardust, Overdrive, Maxim, Voice and Data, Business World, Timeout, Dalal street, Chitralekha etc on your devices.
Rockstand has content in 18 Indian Regional languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, Bengali, Gujrati, Punjabi, Marathi, Kannada, Sanskrit, Oriya, Urdu in addition to the English and international languages like French, Chinese, German and Portuguese. Also a variety of content is available for free.
Features of Rockstand :
✔Download Manager: Manage multiple downloads by using Download Later or Cancel button.
✔Text Search for eBooks: You can now search for specific text in downloaded eBook instead of hunting it down manually.
✔Font size and style adjustment,Line Spacing,Alignment,Background Color: Application comes with built in capability to change the look and feel of the content and thereby enhance and customize the reading experience. User can change font size,font style,line spacing, and background color.
✔Day/Night view Mode: For optimum visual experience,you can adjust text to Day or Night view mode.
✔Shelf capability for downloaded content: Downloaded content can be easily accessed through ‘Bookshelf’,your digital library. However content download is restricted to single user device only i.e. content can be accessed only on device from which it is purchased not any other device.
✔Annotations feature for Touch Screens: Annotations enable you to digitally highlight important text within your page; these highlighted texts can be saved for your reference by any abbreviation or name.The entire highlighted list is available as an Index for you to go back to your highlighted points at any time.
✔Page Bookmark facility: You can bookmark any eBook you are reading & in case you forget to do so, the last read page will be auto-bookmarked.
✔Flip Feature for Touch Screens: Get the feel of flipping pages of any physical book using this feature.