
SoccerTots® is a franchised child physical development program that uses a variety of fun games to delight and engage kids in physical activity. The curriculum is professionally designed to develop motor skills, promote physical fitness, and create self confidence in kids and younger children. It stresses a non-competitive environment and promotes fun above all else.

SoccerTots is offered as a Home-Based business.  There's no need for investment in real estate or large inventories.  Franchisees contract with different types of facilities to offer classes at various times of day.  Franchisees receive a protected territory and are encouraged to offer classes at many locations within that territory.

In addition to SoccerTots®, Franchisees receive curriculum and training in  SoccerTouch®, SoccerTots® Enrichment and PartyTots® programs.  All programs are designed to leverage the training and equipment received, so that Franchisees can begin offering classes and delight kids right out of the gate.

The SoccerTots® curriculum is a progressive curriculum design by experts with a comprehensive understanding of child development. The goal is to bring kids through the various stages so they not only grow their athletic skills and fitness but develop an interest and love for sports and aerobic activities. Each stage builds upon the previous stage with unique challenges and new skill building games. Children who have gone through the entire curriculum can demonstrate remarkable skill and have had great success in sports leagues.