
The SWISS Trilingual School educates children through a rigorous, trilingual curriculum that promotes critical thinking, international awareness and responsible global citizenship.

Fact: All children are born with multiple sections in the left hemisphere of the brain used to store individual languages separately. If not utilized early enough, these additional sections will actually begin to heal over at about one year old, and will be completely closed by the age of ten, leaving one space where the first language is stored. Any language learned after that point must be stored in that one space, causing slow translation time and confusion. This is the reason why children can acquire a new language much easier than adults.

Our Philosophy
We are a co-educational independent day school serving students in 3k - 5th grade, and gradually up to the 12th grade. Through our rigorous academic program and tri-lingual, tri-cultural environment, we strive to develop individuals who:

demonstrate adaptability, confidence, expression, and cultural awareness
demonstrate critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving
demonstrate responsibility, integrity, and leadership
possess a lifelong passion for learning
possess an interest in participating in international communities
possess the capabilities to be leaders in international arena

The SWISS Trilingual School offers two language programs – Japanese/French/English and Chinese/Spanish English.  In addition to language, our students are taught the artistic and cultural components found in the cultures the languages represent.   Our school utilizes the highest ranking educational systems in the world as the foundation for its curriculum – Finnish, Japanese and French.

Cultural fluencies are taught to the children and incorporated throughout the school day - art, song, music, etiquette, calligraphy, origami, food acceptance of culturally appropriate foods – escargot, frog legs, sushi, etc, use of chopsticks and more.

The SWISS School also offers full-immersion, weekend  classes for children, adults and families that are activity based for greater language proficiency.

As proponents of responsible global citizenship we incorporate stewardship into the daily rhythms of school life as well.  We serve organic and local foods, have a garden, compost, use non-toxic cleansers and personal care products, use cloth napkins at meals as well as cloth towels in bathrooms.  

Our goal for the families we serve is to have them realize guiding them by way of example; that much much more is possible while receiving an education, than what is traditionally experienced.

The fact that our students learn within a Trilingual environment is only one aspect of what we do. We simply understand that children can all be taught within a Trilingual environment with ease; and that schools with the ability, should all be responsible to do so. A child's physical ability to process thought, and to solve problems is heightened when he or she is Trilingual.  A truly Trilingual person's brain is actually wired and used differently from a monolingual or bilingual person.

The greatest benefit of this type of education is an unlimited increase in each student's future options such as financial and business opportunities.  We aim to prepare children to become international leaders as well as captains of their own fate.  We know that our students' life experiences will benefit through the ability to communicate, live, and express themselves within various circles; bringing an abundance of joy and beauty to their daily lives.

We are facilitating our students’ ability to be citizens of the world not confined to a particular area because of language/cultural barriers.  They can determine the kind of lifestyle they want to lead based upon who they can communicate with as opposed to who they cannot.  Our world is shifting and even shrinking with an increased mobility between nations and cultures.  Our children will be able to maximize this opportunity with richer lives and experiences.  The SWISS Trilingual School's education is one of this next century's changing economies, skill sets and emerging technologies not yet developed.