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Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!GoPlug LLC
GoPlug is North America’s emerging premier electric vehicle (EV) charging company.
Cerillion plc
Founded in 1999, Cerillion (AIM: CER) is a leading provider of billing, charging and customer management systems delivering its solutions across a broad range of industries including the telecommunications, finance and utilities sectors.
The AMPL SmartBackpack integrates an advanced rechargeable battery pack into a laptop-ready backpack -- allowing you to recharge all your gadgets on-the-go.
PowerSkin®, is a leading provider of built-in battery cases and universal portable power solutions for popular iOS, Andriod and Windows smartphones, tablets and other rechargeable devices. Sleek, modern, one-piece designs with patented innovations.
JAR Systems LLC
We offer the latest technology in Mobile Device Carts for Schools and Businesses.
Energizer/PowerSkin Portable Power Packs
As a leader in the industry, TennRich is committed to bringing innovative products to market, and to deliver the safest products in the highest quality in portable charging within the 3 brands- Energizer, PowerSkin and SpareOne.
JumpStart Charging
JumpStart Charging provides the first ever locator app combined with WIFI capable multi-port smartphone chargers, so that smartphone users can find a charge easily to charge battery while out and about.
BroadForward is the first independent international software company specialised in integration of Broadband, Policy Control, Charging and IT systems.
Skelly Electric, Inc.
We are one of San Diego’s most experienced design-build electric, solar and EV charging station contractors. In business for more than 37 years, Skelly Electric specializes in whole-building electrical, solar power, and car charging systems.
Tango Telecom
Tango Telecom is a leading provider of Advanced Messaging, Real-time Charging and Policy Control Solutions for legacy & next generation networks. The iAX™ Solution Portfolio enables the rapid launch of new & enhanced services to maximise revenues.
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