Businesses > New Product Development
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Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Swan Expo LLC.
Swan Skyline Perforated Decorative City at Night windows shades will transform ordinary windows into artistic extraordinary masterpiece.
trend-strategy observes CONSUMER TRENDS all around the world and focus them in the current marketing challenges for the product and for the brand
Nikken Foods USA, Inc.
Since 1964, the company has been a pioneer in new product development and innovative production techniques. Visit for more information.
Design 1st
Design 1st, a senior product design and engineering team with 25 years experience, serving clients in Ottawa, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. We balance a products technical objectives with a user's expectation to produce professional designed products
Neeron Marketing, Inc.
Noreen Natale of Neeron Marketing, Inc. is a successful marketer with career highlights in new-product development, integrated marketing, promotions, and product life-cycle management. Industry exp: financial services, manufacturing, and publication.
PROSSIS is consulting company primarily servicing Clients in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia and Virginia.
New-product / new-technology marketing strategies and implementation, from concept through commercialization.
AbsolutelyNew, Inc.
AbsolutelyNew is the consumer goods company that partners with inventors to launch innovative products into stores, catalogs, websites and TV shopping channels. AbsolutelyNew is privately held with venture capital backing from Artiman Ventures.
Object Solutions Software AG
Object Solutions Software AG with headquarters in Zurich (Switzerland) and branches in Germany, Slovakia and India is the leading vendor of innovative solutions for Product Development and Quality Assurance in the food industry.
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