1 - 4 Ukraine businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!NAFO
$NAFO is a unique cryptocurrency project launched by Ukranian patriots in May 2023. It combines the “meme” nature of the token with a serious purpose of raising funds to help Ukrainian people in their fight against the russian aggression.
We are a GameFi and EduFi project that helps everyone easily get into crypto by just playing a simple Snake for Crypto game
On 8 July, Vigvam wallet announced its official launch, and at the moment, the team invites testers to join. The most active users will be rewarded with Vigvam NFT Pro, which gives access to advanced(PRO) mode in extra wallet features: multi-signature
CryptoAds Marketplace
The CryptoAds Marketplace is a fully decentralized marketing platform for app publishers and advertisers, build on blockchain.
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