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Porifera technologies enable industries to efficiently take out water and retain all of the components of their products to create valuable concentrates.
Allen J. Schuh and Peter A. Schuh
Inventions related to water purification and water treatment as well as food from algae and jatropha.
Ampac USA is a US Based Manufacturer of Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Systems and Seawater Desalination systems for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Applications.
Puronics, Incorporated
Puronics, Incorporated is a leading water treatment equipment manufacturer headquartered in Livermore, California.
Puronics products are used in commercial and residential applications. Products include water softening and water purification systems.
Water Quality Plus
Quick look Safe Drinking Water Quality report for your area.
MyronLMeters.com is the premier online distributor of Myron L meters, water quality meters that have become the choice for water professionals worldwide.
Myron L Meters have applications in wastewater, boiler and cooling towers, HVAC, pools, brewing, etc
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