
visualAI, a cutting-edge SaaS company, empowers e-commerce businesses with AI-driven solutions that revolutionize product discovery, enhance user engagement, and boost revenue. Our flagship product, shopperGPT, is a game-changing multimodal conversational shopping agent.

Here’s how it works:

Hyper-Personalized Shopping Experience: shopperGPT seamlessly integrates into e-commerce platforms, offering shoppers a personalized journey. Users can search for products using natural language, find products based on any specific color, or even submit images to find visually similar matches.

Retrieval Augmented Generation & Fine-Tuned LLMs: Our technology combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with client-specific data. By augmenting and fine-tuning LLM responses, we ensure accurate and context-aware search results. Additionally, we employ data augmentation techniques to further optimize accuracy.

Platform Expansion: Initially available directly, shopperGPT will soon integrate with popular e-commerce platforms like Magento, BigCommerce, Salesforce, and Shopify. Our mission? To fundamentally transform how shoppers discover products online, starting with the fashion vertical.

Why VisualAI Matters for Retailers:

Engagement Boost: Visual search can increase session durations by up to 30%, while click-through rates improve by approximately 15-25%. Shoppers stay longer and interact more, enhancing overall engagement. Hyper-personalization is shown to dramatically improve user engagement, time on the site and purchases.

Accelerated Discovery: Visual search reduces the user journey time by nearly 50%. In sectors like fashion and home décor, this efficiency translates to a 10-15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.

Revenue Uplift: Implementing visual search leads to a 20-30% rise in conversion rates. Simplified discovery processes and impulse purchases contribute to an average order value increase of 10-20%. Moreover, the data collected via visual search refines recommendation algorithms, potentially boosting upsell and cross-sell rates by up to 25%.

visualAI isn’t just a technological advancement; it’s a strategic business move that elevates user experience, streamlines product discovery, and positively impacts the bottom line.