About |
Established in 2009, Viva Circus is a new generation physical theatre troupe, renowed for producing independent shows that give Asian artists opportunities and exposure of their talents. It’s founder Vivian Lea is a Malaysian, raised and trained in aerial; acrobatics; theatre and multi media production in the United Kingdom. She discovered upon her return to Asia that preconceptions of circus were still confined and wanted to generate a movement with young visionary artists who dared to break out of the box. This new movement was launched as the Collision Arts Network in 2011 under the guidance and partnership of Jerry Snell, who was at the forefront of the new circus creation in Canada. Both Lea and Snell share a common ethic to develop socially responsible projects, therefore an outreach program runs alongside all of Viva Circus’s projects to help raise funds for at risk children to get access to the arts.
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