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Today, MIIPs can be done as an alternative to surgery or to assist with surgery or sometimes when there is no surgical option at all. MIIPs can treat a wide range of diseases including cancer, stroke, aneurysms, blocked blood vessels, infections, infertility and other women's health conditions, pediatric diseases, and trauma. But, what if you or a family member were ill but did not know your treatment options? In fact, most people have never heard of MIIPs, even if one could save their life.
The US. Department of Health and Human Services called a lack of health literacy a "critical problem", and it is not unique to patients. Even the most astute primary care providers have little familiarity with the breadth of MIIPs options, which limits their ability to inform patients of their MIIPs options. Though MIIPs offer cost savings, many hospital administrators and policy makers are unaware of their value and do not promote them at the institutional and systems levels.
Special trained physicians perform these cutting-edge procedures all across the world, but most people have never heard of them. Most have no idea that minimally invasive, image-guided procedures exist and if these procedures could help them. Advances in this field happen so fast that it is hard to keep up or even understand what is out there. For some patients, IR treatments are their only hope. Not every disease can be solved this way, but many can. We formed this nonprofit group to develop information about the value of minimally invasive, image-guided solutions:
1. Procedures are performed through a pinhole so patients leave with only a band-aid.
2. Patients are kept whole and avoid painful alternatives.
3. Patients often have less time in the hospital and can return to their normal lives sooner.
4. MIIPs typically cost much less than surgical alternatives.
We believe that people deserve to understand their options so they can choose what is best for them and their families. Patients empowered to make informed healthcare decisions have better outcomes. Increased public awareness about MIIPs will lead to
*More informed healthcare choices
*Better access to MIIPs
*Better healthcare outcomes
*Overall healthcare cost savings as MIIPs are better utilized
*Greater allocation of healthcare resources to support MIIPs
*More funding of research and innovation to advance MIIPs