
ZoomPages.ca is business search engine providing a one stop solution for business promotion. Canadian businesses use our website to connect with customers searching for information on their products, services, flyers, coupons, and other great deals that they have on offer all on one site.

Our Business Listing Solutions:

1) Post your business name, location, phone, fax and hotlline
2) Update your listing anytime
3) Provide information on your products and services, payment methods and hours of operation. Notify customers on upcoming events and much more
4) Post your flyers, coupons and other great deals online
5) Upload photo gallery of your location, products or services
6) Upload documents like catalogue, price list, etc for people to view or download

Our Business Search Solutions:

1) It is completely free to search for business listings and incentives
2) Business locations are displayed on Google Map with Streetview
3) Relevant search results. You can narrow your searches to businesses in your neighbourhood using our proximity search
4) Narrow your searches to businesses with flyers and coupons
5) Write reviews
6) Bookmark your favourite listings and view them from any computer at your convinience

At ZoomPages.ca we have all the tools and features for posting real time update on sales, grand opening, special events, flyers, coupons and other incentives from any computer at anytime. Businesses can engage existing customers and expand customer base by providing regular updates on their product and service offerings.