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Mama Moves In and the Research Pro databases are owned and marketed as an elder care package by their author to help the millions in need of elder care and their families.
The package is exactly what is needed to help prospective caregivers decide whether they can be the primary caregiver and if they should be the primary caregiver. And, for those who decide to be the primary care giver, the package based on first-hand experience and several years of research, helps them prepare and cope.
Mama Moves In and the Research Pro databases comprise an elder care package all about dealing with elderly or aging parents. What do we do with our aging parents? Our home or the rest home? How do we decide, prepare and cope? These are the core questions and answers presented in the elder care package.
We start with what the children of aging parents need to know before moving an elderly parent or relative into their home: 1) as much good, first-hand information about moving an elderly parent into their home as possible, 2) all of the appropriate cost, income and asset information, 3) what the professional caregivers have to say, 4) information and commitments from as many of the family members as possible regarding what they can contribute, how they can contribute and time they can give, 5) information and product resources that you will need to be the best caregiver you can be for an elderly or aging loved one.
Mama Moves In satisfies all of the requirements. It is a book written by the son, the primary caregiver, of an elderly mom who at age 84 moved in with him and his wife for the last 5 ½ years of her life.
With In Mama Moves In learn how to get at all of the cost, income and asset information needed to assess what is available and what will be needed to make it work economically and practically.
Mama Moves In includes advice from professionals in the elder care field, and provides an organized and direct path to products and research information on aging and the elderly from the internet.
Mama Moves In provides a smart and timely plan for including all of the family in the process and the care and how to most effectively get written commitments from family members to give any and all of the help they can give.
With Mama Moves In comes a Bonus CD—a doorway to Information Research Pro and Product Research Pro. With them you can quickly and easily identify and locate the elder care information and products for the elderly and aging that one will need to be the best caregiver one can be.
Information Research Pro and Product Research Pro are organized, database-controlled, internet-resourced, maintained research programs for elder care information and products for the aged and elderly. They will save one significant time. As a 24/7 elder care provider, everyone will appreciate anything that saves time.