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The Ishaya Foundation, a non-profit organization, is committed to the physical, mental and spiritual health and well being of all people.
Offering free educational events that speak to global benefits of expansion of consciousness, starting with the individual.
Producing materials to aid in the internal transformation process of those desiring expansion.
Teaching techniques that aid in the ease and grace of expansion of consciousness. The Ishayas’ experiential Teaching, called Ascension, uses the Attitudes of Praise, Gratitude, Love and Compassion to return the life of the individual to a natural state of peace and joy from the inside out.
Offering a variety of free “continued education” classes for those that have attended the “beginners” seminar.
Providing advanced programs that allow for maximum growth and/or the actualization of the individuals full potential, in the shortest possible time.
The Ishaya Foundation (TIF) programs that have fees are kept as low as possible to allow for as many people as possible to utilize them. TIF’s dedicated teachers donate their professional services to these programs, allowing for fees to be kept at minimal.
TIF’s free programs also happen largely as a result of our teachers' dedication and love of this practice. Where, not only their professional services are donated, but all other expenses to hold the event as well.