1 - 12 Australia businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!MindCheck
MindCheck offers free and private stress, anxiety and depression assessment for everyone. It also allows doctors and mental health professionals to electronically assess their patients using a scientifically validated questionnaire.
Saying YES to Happiness
Tessa Stowe, from Saying Yes to Happiness, is on a mission to teach the skill of happiness. To teach what will really make us happy and how to quickly and easily incorporate those things into our daily lives.
Vanita Dahia
Vanita Dahia is an experienced integrative medicine health professional practicing in functional pathology and natural science based treatment approaches in mental health and complex health conditions.
Daniela Grincevicius
Daniela is a holistic Kinesiologist, coach and mentor. Using Holistic Kinesiology and other modalities, she provides her client's with uniquely tailored sessions and holds sacred space for powerful transformations to occur.
Emotional Intelligence Education
Helping parents and teachers support the development of emotional intelligence in children. We explore bullying, optimism, motivation, stress management, bibliotherapy and a range of other areas.
Aaron Adhikary, The Workplace Happiness Guru worked in diverse industries and ran his own business. He noted that in many workplaces "misery came in both cheap and expensive suites" ©. Find out more at www.theworkplacehappinessguru.com.
Top Shape Diet
www.TopShapeDiet.com supports health first, mind/body connection and emotional/ physical balance. Once you discover how Fabulously Fit & Healthy you can be, everything else falls into place.
Freedom Today Industries
Dedicated to Freedom.... Today.... Now. And both financially and spiritually. Hey, whats the use of having a squillon dollars if you're not happy right??....
25 Online Educational Guides for Teachers, Parents, Students, Managers and Organizations.
Vickie Buchanan
New Release Healing Guide is leading the way in the breakthrough of healing depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other associated conditions through spiritual perspectives.
My Business Freedom
My Business Freedom is produced by the Australian-based global publishing company, Business InfoMedia Online.
Its main goal is to provide valuable information and support business owners in re-shaping their businesses.
Be Happy in LIFE
Life coaching programs that will teach your how to be happy in life! Strong relationships, great life, better parenting skills, super kids - get them with a life coach
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