151 - 200 Belgium businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Aquillrelle - 2 followers
Aquillrelle is a site dedicated to every poet amongst us – encouraging the type of poetry which is a mix of talent, beauty and expression power. We do it by organizing poetry contests open to all, and biased by nothing but down to earth creativity.
odyssee mobile
Field Service: working with a field service solution within in a few hours. That is possible, thanks to 'Software as a Service! Your business applications contain a huge potential which can be maximized through the use of mobile field service solutions.
Essensium N.V.
Essensium provides System-On-Chip products and design services along with its own patented Real Time Location System (RTLS) platform that is unique for its high accuracy, long range and low power.
EMF - The Forum of e-Excellence
EMF is the European cross-stakeholders' network promoting excellence in the digital economy. EMF launched the European Seal of e-Excellence and accelerates the winners by facilitating their interaction with stakeholders in the digital economy.
JobsinHubs.com is a network of online job boards for English speaking professionals looking for employment in Europe. Hubs are located in 18 cities like Copenhagen, Brussels, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Rome,, Geneva, London, Zurich, Paris, Madrid, Berlin,...
Some people say that SEO is dead. We don't believe this. SEO isn't dead, it is powerfull as never before. The reason is simple: together with social media, you can rank very good. So, we probably have to move on to social media optimization.
Writter Press, Gibert Pascal
Newswire.fr proposes distributing press releases and online services, SEO, writing news releases for web and for print. Tips for journalists, technological, news journalism.
Purdakus is a Belgian artist who has founded the Quick Art Movement. www.purdakus.com
Evolutionize It
Evolutionize It, ASBL is a Belgian based non-profit making social enterprise that facilitates collaboration in the emerging local and global social change sector.
The Phoneshop Limited
A respectable and well known company in Belgium which deal in Mobile Phones and other electronics.
Life Pro Coaching
Living La Vida Healthy explores health and healing, healthy choices and how alternative health care practices can often be a powerful addition to conventional treatments.
Galarina is a privately held company founded in 2008 by independent developer Chris Cornelis. Galarina specializes in the development of unique and useful solutions for the iOS platform, complemented by first-class customer support.
WWW4 Web Hosting Solutions
Web hosting solutions provider in Belgium WWW4 is a top web hosting company that provides hosting, domain names transfer, virtual server hosting, dedicated server, shared hosting, vps, colocation, datacenter, anti-spam virus firewall for email protection.
Institute for Business Continuity Training BE
Business continuity training - public courses and bespoke courses. Online training. BCP certification. BS25999 and NFPA 1600 standards.
2Space Directory & News Network
Global web directory and news network : Alphabetical subject directory of global web sites with search engine, downloads, tools, news,...
Bekaert is a global market leader in drawn steel wire products and applications and a technological leader in its two core competences: advanced metal transformation and advanced materials and coatings.
Centre Medical du Vertmont Namur
Namur/ Centre Médical pluridisciplinaire / soins dispensés par professionnels de la santé : Gynécologie, Kinésithérapie, Ostéopathie, Chiropraxie, Psychologie, Sexologie, Laserthérapie (Esthétique). Massothérapie
E411 / Namur -Champion
car navigation gps sales.We aim at offering the most updated and high quality consumer electronics to web shoppers from all over the world while shoppers can experience a comfortable and secure shopping process on the web.
Alkris Financial Technologies
We are upcoming and very promising Hedge Fund based in Europe. We plan to be most successful mutual/hedge fund by December 2014. To announce our arrival in India we are providing free trading tips for Indian Stocks, Nifty Futures and Nifty Options.
European Pricing Platform
The European pricing Platform is the on- and offline meeting place for pricing decision makers in a wide variety of industries. Interactive sharing, collecting and developing of pricing knowledge is the key.
ACEM, European Motorcycle Industry Association
ACEM, the Motorcycle Industry in Europe, is the professional body representing the interests and combined skills of 12 powered two wheelers (PTWs) manufacturers producing a total of 26 motorcycle brands, guaranteeing jobs to over 150.000 people.
Frisomat industrial buildings
Frisomat designs, develops, produces and builds innovative buildings made out of cold rolled, galvanized steel. Prefabricated industrial buildings or modular hangars. Innovative steel constructions.
European Council on International Relations
European Council on International Relations is the leading European Union think tank .
and is dedicated to creation of a European common foreign policy.
Philip Yaffe Consultant
Philip Yaffe is a former reporter/feature writer with The Wall Street Journal and an international marketing communication consultant living in Brussels, Belgium. His latest book is The Gettysburg Approach to Writing & Speaking like a Professional.
PHYSICIANS.BE 4 SALE: Belgians Physicians Search Engine Directory of All Physicians Related Goods and Services
webaddress.eu T.M.
((( WebAddress.EU ))) Search Engine, Directory, e-Mail, All Goods and Services, News, Information, Blogs, Ads, Jobs, Maps, Videos, Images, All in All. Partnership, Development Financing, All interested parties are welcome. All rights also 4 SALE.
Emocean Yacht Design
Emocean Yacht Design was established when two yacht and powercraft design students at the Southampton Solent University discovered they had a mutual love not only for the engineering side but also for the creative and artistic side of yacht design.
LYMEC - European Liberal Youth
The European Liberal Youth, abbreviated as LYMEC, is a pan-European youth organisation seeking to promote liberal values throughout the EU as the youth organisation of the ELDR party and its group in the European Parliament (ALDE).
The Write Stuff
Copywriting and PR for European business from Brussels, Belgium. Specialised in entertainment and media sectors.
Veriek Infotainment Products
Veriek Infotainment products is a relatively young company directed to create multiplayer online games. We are realistic in our approach and offer many business opportunities for brands to get well-known without needing multinational size investments..
Scent A Brand
We custom develop extraordinary applications of long lasting, high quality scented products.
Metaverse Business
Metaverse Business sells virtual world analytics and marketing products in Second Life ™ since 2006.
Night Publishing
Night Publishing is the publishing arm of Mud Valley, an online site which provides brand marketing and business strategy materials.
Science|Business Publishing
Science|Business is the first independent news service that brings together buyers and sellers of emerging technologies - through its online news coverage, its subscriber-posting service, and its exclusive networking events.
TD Azlan Belgium
Azlan, the Enterprise Division of Tech Data Corporation, is a leading value-added pan-European distributor of networking, communications, midrange enterprise server, storage and software solutions in Europe.
Advanced Information Systems nv
AIS is the leading steel supply chain management software company that partners with the customers to deliver added value user friendly solutions that can be integrated easily and customized to their specific requirements.
David Norden African Art
David Norden is working full time in the African Art field and advise great collections since 1992. He has a shop in Antwerp and runs many portals.
His sites about African Art are buyafricanantiques.com african-arts.info and the africanartclub.com .
Very bonded, full feathered, big beautiful egg laying pair. 14 & 15 years old. Complete vet check and blood work last year. Micro chipped.
Braem NV is world famous for its spare parts. More than 30,000 different components are continuously available. We deliver from stock at very competitive prices. We are particularly specialised in MAN and Mercedes.
Wynamics, working the dynamics of wine
One stop shopping full service concept for the wine industry. We handle designs, corporate identity, marketing, communication, consulting, websites, e-commerce solutions, e-mailings, copy writing, translations, press, media, strategy, importer research,..
WSI E-Services
We are Internet Marketing Consultants that provide professional Internet Marketing services and consultancy, optimized Website solutions, SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, Analytics and more.
Art in all of Us
Art in All of Us (AiA) is a not for profit organization based in Belgium and in the USA that promotes tolerance through artistic and cultural exchange activities through all the 192 UN listed countries. AiA reached more 18400 children in 192 countries.
Alfapass is responsible for the issue and management of the central Port Identity Card , granting access to the Ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge.
4ASoft.com is a web site that offers the best products by SPRL Architektura, a developer of business management software for use by small to medium companies.
The company Adjust (Belgium) is active in the fields of both online and offline communications. Amongst their clients, one can find L’oréal, Caritas International, Pharma Belgium, the Belgian National Orchestra, MmmmH, Nexp…
We provide webshops in Europe with extraodrinary well fitted ladies trousers and jeans.
Intelligent Software Company
PlanningForce allows you to make the best of your planning expertise: Automatic scheduling, Realistic planning dates, Resource profile, No over-allocation, Simulations comparisons, Logical workflows, Expertise centres.
All in one with PlanningForce!
Viamarcom, an integrated marketing recruitment firm that helps companies in Belgium with strategic marketing and communications recruitment, planning and execution.
Cineuropa.org, the European cinema portal, proposes an online scriptwriting course in English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Joomlatools is an internationally recognized, agile, expert group of consultants specializing in training, consulting and development for the open source web content management system Joomla.
Relations presse communiques-presse.com
Diffusion de communiqué de presse et relations presse internet pour entreprises, dirigeants entrepreneurs et décideurs, le site permet de publier un communiqué de presse gratuitement.
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