1 - 23 Canada businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!A Focused Entrepreneur
A Focused Entrepreneur strives to offer the best interviews, resources, guides and community support for entrepreneurs, leaders and small business owners.
Aterlo Networks Inc
Aterlo Networks builds innovative networking solutions for internet service providers, network managers, and streaming video users.
Akimbo Creations
Akimbo Creations is an independent video game company that specializes in both content creation and innovation.
The Networking Effect
The Networking Effect is a small business platform that helps businesses grow by connecting them with other local small businesses.
momondays Toronto
momondays™ is like an open mic for professional speakers and other people with a great story and life lessons to share.
RedEase is a computer support company based in Red Deer, AB
If you need help with any of the following services, please give us call us on (403) 986-1144
Excel programming
Computer upgrade
Antivirus software
Computer networking
IT consulting
The features of Eng-Clicks have all been designed with the needs of modern business professionals in mind. Everyone is interested in collaborating with colleagues, accessing support and resources and exploring new opportunities.
THINQ Technologies Ltd.
With over 15 years building premier IT Brands in the Canadian SMB Market, THINQ Technologies has the track record and expertise to help establish these brands within the diverse and unique market.
4WomensPassion.com - 1 followers
4WomensPassion.com is an online resource for professional women to promote, connect, and network.
Simply Organic Marketing
Whether you're looking for a marketing plan, help with social media or assistance writing an e-book, Wendy McClelland of Simply Organic Marketing is the person to contact. A Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach she brings 25+ yrs of experience to you!
The Networking Diva Group
The Networking Diva Group is an affordable networking and advertising forum for small businesses. Surviving the first three years of a business is crucial. We help create visibility for your business.
TNC Websolutions
Based on your site needs GoAnswers creates answers to questions posed on Yahoo Answers, relevant to your niche leaving your website URL in the “source box”. YA clients find the response useful and visit your website creating you a new “customer“.
JCI Winnipeg
JCI Winnipeg (est. 1923) is an organization dedicated to promoting leadership, citizenship and global responsibility through young professionals.
Seven Group
Founded in 2001, Seven Group is an end to end IT solutions provider and a leader in data management, virtualization, high-performance computing (HPC), digital media (animation, visual effect, and video games), and online game hosting
Lyon Cubb Communications
Professional Engineer (UK and Canada) turned business man, who built 10 companies over a 30 year period and who workerd building and financing projects and businesses in 22 countries. Been in NM since 1999 and loves to help and guide interested people.
Anne Vanidour
Anne is Mortgage Specialist who enjoys teaching the advantages of a well-managed mortgage. Anne's Mortgage Toolkit offers homeowners the right tools, at the right time to give every client their mortgage advantage! An expert in credit score improvement.
Minglejet Inc.
Minglejet.com is the next global social networking experience connecting friends, family and business colleagues worldwide.
Responsible of achieving long lasting relations by constant hard work. Open-minded to define challenges & opportunities. Fast Company 2010′s Most Influential Person Online. http://fcinf.com/v/c07c
Ontario Writers' Conference
A premier arts writing/author organization that conducts educational, challenging and interactive workshops, panels, roundtables and other writing-related events, led by writers, arts-related facilitators and industry professionals.
Midnight's Poetry Muse Podcast
This is a podcast that showcases poetry from around the world as well as promote those poets who are on the website http://midnightsmuse.ning.com.
The podcast itself can be found at http://midnightstarr.podbean.com and is also on Itunes.
KadComp Technologies Inc.
KadComp Technologies Inc. provides leading-edge technology solutions for today's competitive business IT environments. We have a unique ability to provide wide ranging IT solutions to our clients.
SureFire IT Solutions Inc.
SureFire IT Solutions specializes in helping small business owners in the Edmonton area maximize their efficiency through technology by acting as their key technology advisor and by taking care of their computers and network systems.
Socialrific.com Web Directory
Socialrific.com is a web directory where you can not only submit your business name and website but you may also submit your social networking profiles. This will make poeple even more aware of who you are and what you do.
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