1 - 50 Slovakia businesses
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Peter Belica
Wlosscalculator.com offers easy-to-use calculators and helpful tools to support your weight loss journey, including BMI, calorie needs, and fat-burning exercises, all designed to help you achieve your fitness goals effectively. Start today!
jackpotresult.me, the leading online platform for Kerala Lottery results, is pleased to announce its official launch as the go-to website for up-to-date and accurate lottery results.
Amorandi Publishing
Amorandi Publishing focuses on creating fully illustrated books. Mostly as books for children, but old authors with revitalised illustrated content are as well part of our plan.
Providing all the tools to help you build leading blockchain applications, block by block.
Kvant Lasers
We develop and manufacture professional equipment for Laser Displays and various scientific applications. We supply the market with laser-show projectors, laser modules, LED screens and many more. We provide the highest quality service.
The Lead Page Ltd.
RQpm Water Accessory, the first private tube box of high quality cork for keeping your stone clean. Energize your water with rose quartz. Universal accessory. Gift for men and women.
Networking equipment distaster recovery and configuration management. Unimus is extremely easy to deploy and use, and provides a wide feature-set that will help you run your network.
We provide solutions that make a tangible impact to our clients’ growth and productivity. With domain knowledge across product and technology development, we aim to provide cost-efficient solutions without compromising quality.
Innovative solutions to the field of digital out-of-home advertising and retail. Innovative systems can be used to deliver targeted content, gather shopper data and even measure the emotions shown on the faces of consumers as they enter and leave stores.
Nature Gulp
Nature Gulp produces safe and eco-friendly stainless steel water bottles. The bottles are comprised of BPA-free materials and embellished with a bamboo lid. Nature Gulp gives money from the sales to the project on supporting disabled sportsmen.
TypeSoft s.r.o.
TypeSoft s.r.o. is the developer of EasyType keyboard app for iPhone.
KINEX Bearings, a.s.
KINEX BEARINGS is a company dealing production of rolling bearings for different segments of industry.
Salutis systems
Salutis systems, a.s. developed Salutis Encryption System (SES) combining symmetric AES and asymmetric ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) encryption algorithm and implemented it into a mobile communication app ASYRIC securing calls and messages.
Probably the best open source project to make your old car smarter. Do you want to know more? Please follow this link http://igg.me/at/encardroid/x/6745276
Web page focused on outdoor life especially hiking, via ferrata and mountaineering
AmbiScreen is modular and open platform for ambient lighting for any display and TV, gaming console, DVD player, set-top box, PC, Mac, PlayStation, Xbox or any
other device you have in your home.
KPIwatchdog.com Reporting Tool
www.KPIwatchdog.com is an online reporting tool for monitoring key business metrics independently of the source of data.
I´m able improve your SEO and SALES! You can start Today.
Visit summit “IoT360: the Gateway to Innovation”, taking place in Rome, Italy on the 28th and 29th of October 2014.
Kvant develops and manufactures professional equipment for Laser Displays and various scientific applications. We supply the market with laser show projectors, laser modules, LED screens and many more.
Leather goods - VegaLM - briefcases, handbags, wallets, briefcases, notebooks, itinerary, cases, purses, promotional gifts and fashion leather handbags.
Want to innovate, grow professionally, evaluate the practices that work and take in recent case studies from your field? Then you are the right person to join other professionals at expert webinars by Kakushin.
Gruveo (www.gruveo.com) is a free video calling platform that makes video calling as easy as never before. Any two parties can establish a secure and anonymous video call on Gruveo just by agreeing on a numeric code.
Tracktest Assessment
Tracktest Assessment offers independent online English language testing for companies, schools, and individuals. It features a comprehensive suite of online tools designed for admission, proficiency, and progress testing in English.
Startuppers.org is a new way of communication between startup & startuppers.
A free way to track your business on the go
Work in Field aims to reduce costs, eliminate paperwork and improve communications for businesses large and small, by providing an all-in-one, real-time GPS journey logging and tracking solution.
globimmo.net is global advertising portal offering a wide range of properties for housing, business, accommodation. Advertising is free for all.
Get Thomas To America
http://www.getthomastoamerica.co.uk/ - Get Thomas to America is a fundraising initiative to provide an opportunity for Thomas Hughes, a 10 year old who has Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy.
Historic Hotels of Slovakia
The association of the best hotels in the castles, mansions and historic buildings of itscountry. We aspire to offer you first quality accommodation and also true Slovak experience which reflects our nation’s traditions, history and heritage.
Camp-Runner Europe
Camp-Runner Europe was established in 2008 and Camp Runner is the only European distributor operating with a license issued by Little Guy.
LiveFlip - SEO, Content and Design Freelancers
Online consultants for search engine optimization, web and article content and marketing, site design and implementation, link building - Your Affordable Online Partner!
Fleming Europe
Specialised B2B conference producers, producing high quality, industry specific business events around the world. Fleming Europe Conferences is one of the leading names in business intelligence.
Our goods are brand new, unlocked and comes with the complete accessories, 12 months international warranty and 90 days returnh policy.
Oil Painting Techniques
Oil Painting techniques is a collection of information, articles, videos and how-to's on oil painting techniques, oil painting supplies and related resources. Visit us at http://www.oilpaintingtechniques.org.
Bee Mobile
Mission of Bee Mobile is to...
...help software developers with development for mobile devices by putting knowledge and experience into the software components targetting .NET Compact Framework and giving them an attractive look and design.
LiveFlip.com | Value Added Domains
Value added, premium and aged domains for the end user seeking an upper hand in their online marketing efforts and business presence online.
The Regioland.sro 2 year deal with mobile phone displays, keyboards, cases, IC, PCB marketing. The company is headquartered Slovakia, Komarno town. We have 12 employees.
Screw compressors, piston Services, compressors, blowers, dryers and compressed air filters. Compressed air: the air dryers, filters, filter inserts, blowers, pumps, oil separators. http://www.kompresory-servis.sk
Synoptic offer of accommodation, catering, attractions and relax in Slovakia. Tourist information, online booking.
Luce Parfums Online
Wholesale prices direct to our Valued Customers. We strive to provide the best value in price, as well as superior customer service and variety of choice at http://www.luceparfums.com, where all products are 100% original and authentic.
Taxback.com Slovakia
Taxback.com poskytuje globálne daňové služby pre ľudí a firmy po celom svete. Zabezpečujeme vrátenie daní z príjmov a refundácie DPH spoločnostiam, či už ste doma v rodnej krajine, alebo kdekoľvek inde vo svete.
Jacob Fleming Conferences
Jacob Fleming Conferences are carefully designed to provide key strategic business information and the best networking opportunities for the participants. Our business to business conferences are interactive events with a limited number of delegates.
NETGATE Technologies s.r.o.
Headquartered in Slovakia, European Union, NETGATE company was founded in 2003 and offers product solutions to protect PC users from spyware, viruses and spam all over the globe.
Innovatrics is focused on providing fast, accurate, interoperable and sensor independent fingerprint recognition software for incorporation into final biometric applications.
I run a specialist dental clinic for British patients for the past 4 years in central Europe. We are experts in aesthetic smile reconstructions and cosmetic dentistry such as porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, bridges and dental implants.
Jacob Fleming
Jacob Fleming is one of the market leaders in European business intelligence companies - organizing successful conferences in Finance, Life Science, Telecom, Energy sectors, just as cross-industry events. Our target audience is strategic decision makers.
Machaon International
An independent non-commercial organization promoting protected areas across national borders through projects, impartial advice, expertise, consulting, publishing and fundraising services in nature conservation and related areas.
SCHAFY, spol. s r. o.
The container system of the company Schafy spol. s. r. o. uses in a progressive way the principle of classical shipping container to create standard dwelling, office, sanitary or other specific rooms.
MP3 guide around the capital of Slovakia
COMDOM Software
COMDOM Software develops security solutions for the digital economy. COMDOM Antispam offers high capacity spam filtering for Linux servers and is designed for the requirements of ISPs and large organizations.
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