1 - 12 California businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Arleana Waller
Arleana Waller has been reaching women globally, across multiple platforms, across various genres, in many aspects. Arleana holds many titles, with one intentional goal, to get women to boldly own her ShePOWER without apology.
Chelsea Leifken
Chelsea is an artist, creative director, and speaker.
L. Hicks Consulting Services, LLC.
Louise Hicks is an Elevation Speaker, Success Coach and Business Consultant . Over 29 years in customer service, management, human resources and finance, her goal is to exceed your expectations. Learn more at www.louisehicks.biz.
PeaceTones’ mission is to foster rule of law from the ground up and create sustainable incomes for musicians living in communities torn apart by war, protracted conflict and natural disaster.
Predictive Mind
Predictive Mind is an omnimedia organization with activities rooted in Predictive Mental Programming, a training method to modify behavior, emotional content, and attitudes that was an offshoot from studies in successful behavior.
Achievement U, Inc
Through books, film-making, and other experiential activities, we share the inspiring lives of people who grew up with adversity and create successful lives. Our process helps you empower young people to dream and know that they can thrive.
Reflection Press
"Create A New Reality" : Reflection Press is an independent publisher of radical children's books and works that expand spiritual and cultural awareness.
The StarPals Series
The StarPals are a series of seven inspiring, empowering children's books that encourage their readers to embrace the Creative Star that they are, and help make our world a brighter place. Authentic, accountable, transparent action promotes integrity.
Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group
Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group is a diverse organization providing uniquely originated events of all ages, backgrounds, and occupations. We promote a movement of motivated minds to take action towards education, entrepreneurship, and true self-worth.
The Asante Group
The Asante Group is a multifaceted, cause-driven business with a mantra of changing the world by changing lives. Our online and offline solutions enable growth and development for individuals, organizations & communities worldwide.
Inspired Girls International
Inspired Girls International teaches teen girls how to become successful women using media, publishing, live events, and new media. We go beyond self-esteem to teach ordinary girls how to grow into extraordinary women.
Cindy Ashton International, LLC
Born with a 20% chance of living, Cindy Ashton conquered 3 heart surgeries, chronic pain & a damaged lung well beyond doctor's expectations. She now empowers others to overcoming their obstacles through speaking, performing, coaching and her new book.
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