1 - 15 businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!The Fund Engine
The Fund Engine is a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping businesses of all sizes to reach and engage their target audiences online.
Humanist Association of Canada
At Humanist Canada, we strive to create a fair and equal society guided by critical thinking and compassion. We support the efforts of local and regional Humanist groups to advance education in scientific, academic, medical, and human rights fields.
The Pendsey Trust
The Pendsey Trust helps people in the developing world who can not afford life saving insulin.
Zam Zam Water
Zam Zam Water is a non-profit organization that works towards bringing clean, sustainable water to those in need all around the world, one water project at a time. We work with water wells, rain-harvesting apparatus', and water filters.
OurSimpleEarth.com is an online community of writer dedicated to sharing the truth about the environmental and humanitarian issues facing all of us today.
Why We Want
"Why We Want" can help those who are interested in applying the philosophy of "Why We Want" to create 21st century human leaders. "Why We Want" is a collective phenomenon; it is caring for us and people around us.
Cat Fence-In Books - 1 followers
Philosophical writing that draws upon rationalities that we are all born with undeniable worth and importance with the aptitude to succeed.
We write and speak about the mind and community. The material is inspired by the following books:
MindSight by Daniel J. Siegel
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation by Rudolf Steiner
Sparks from the Fire
A memoir of survival. The theme is geared to make light of how one can turn even the worst experience around to serve a worthy cause.
This is Ramya from a simple Indian family, which means life is fun. I am a blogger by passion, if you allow me I will travel deep down into your heart and settle there. I write poems, movie reviews and about all weird things.
Aquariumville is a group of sites dedicated to the conservation, preservation, restoration & enhancement of nature. Content consists of Articles & related images to teach humans that nature is the embodiment of all life on earth. Contributors welcome.
Esque 21
From God to music to beauty to you, we are the magazine that features any and everything about life. That is why we are called Esque 21 - coz you get a little taste of all things great and small, 21st century and mainstream. (http://www.esque21.com/)
* Name MAARS
* Location In the Ether
* Web http://www.maars.net
* Bio The MAARS vision is to provide to global humanity ready access to detailed,
credible and dynamic information about local law and cross-border legal issues.
Trinity Habitat for Humanity
Trinity Habitat for Humanity builds homes and hope in partnership with God's people in Tarrant, Johnson, Parker and Wise counties.
International Arts Movement
Non-profit arts organization that engages artists and creative catalysts to wrestle with issues of art, faith and humanity. Founded by Makoto Fujimura.
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