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Discovering new screenwriting talent and connecting writers with the film & TV industry
People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine
People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine LLC is a Christ-centered publishing company dedicated to publishing books and other media that inform, entertain, edify and encourage growth.
21st Century daVinci
21st Century daVinci is the umbrella org. for the various Companies of Robin Chappell. These include Art/Photography, a Literary Imprint, Architecture and Visionary Design.
Karen Goeller, Author
Books, Screenplays, podcasts. Topics include fitness, sports children's books, health, comedy, and more.
Jessub Flower
Jessub Flower is a writer that resides in the Bay Area. He has written two novels, several screenplays, and has published articles and short stories. He is married, has four beautiful children, and loves hearing and telling stories!
Safeword Entertainment
We're a media company based out of Atlanta. We write and make movies, books, and other types of media and art.
Doc Jackson Enterprises
When an actor needs to get an agent or manager and wants to make sure they present themselves at their best or a screenwriter wants to get their screenplay ready and into the hands of producers and literary agents, Smart Girls Productions helps them.
Pumpkin Media - 1 followers
Pumpkin Media represents E.L. Middleton, author of "Nightfall" a teen thriller and the upcoming "Amusement" set for release in 2013. Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Raya Films - 1 followers
Writers and producers of feature films and documentaries.
Screenwriter of contemporary movies dealing with the human condition.
Evangeline's Ink
A book, poem and film company.
Liam McPhee and The Thief of Laughter: A classic faery tale for all ages.
by Marlena Evangeline available on Kindle
Threadbare Publishing Company
A small publishing company Threadbare Publishing is a subsidiary of The Wish Factory, Inc., a corporation representing creative endeavors
McMillan Media Filmworks
McMillan Media Filmworks is a Film Production Company that works to effect positive change through Films, Documentaries, and other events. Our company works to promote human rights, animal rights, and to highlight causes of importance to our world.
Screenwriting, authoring of novels, real-life crime, life stories and fiction that will keep you up all night, turning pages, chewing nails, wiping tears, and calling friends. This is one writer who has been there and done that. "Miami Vice" for example.
Gharial Productions
Gharial Productions is a small and tightly run productions company based in Southern California. We are able to eliminate the burdening overhead costs of larger studios and focusing our manageable budgets on the production and marketing of our films.
Canadian Short Screenplay Competition
The Canadian Short Screenplay Competition, established in 2008, is the premiere script contest for short film screenplays. CSSC is the single-most competitive, prestigious, short screenplay festival in Canada.
Blue Heron Productions
Blue Heron Productions is M. J. Milne's outlet for her writings, screenplays, and artwork. It was established in 1985 and has since published stories and books that open the heart and inspire people to be as Spirit intended---a conscious being of light.
Stonepine Productions, LLC
Media division - creation: novels, magazine articles, screenplays, independent film, etc. content. Financial division - creation: tax, accounting, economics, investment banking and similar contemporary content.
Ryoji Lloyd Kaneko
CEO/Author/Consultant -- Lloyd Kaneko is a former Staff Writer for Drum Corps News, and has written for various other magazines, newsletters, and blogs including Scenario.SC. and Allvoices.
Tel-i-Vision Universal
Producer of Universal News, Motivational Speakers, Life Coaching, The Book Of I Haves, inventions, Movies, TV shows, documentaries, original screenplays, The First Supper, The First Mothers, reality shows & ideas, natural juices, herbal remedies
Michael Storm is a master of the character-driven narrative, penning groundbreaking novels like "Pulp7", "The Roboshop", "The Solo Connection", and the "Quartereaders". Storm's writing is innovative, comic, featuring rich visuals and absorbing action.
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