1 - 50 businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!amr saad
restaubox is acompany designed to help people find the right products and offers for their needs
A platform that aims to help parents to involve their kids in engaging activities at home. It also provides Islamic education to kids so that they can build a connection with their religion at an early age. We have Islamic books and activity books.
This and That Girl
I write and submit press releases for newly published books and products.
Hummingbird Digital Media
We are democratizing e-book retailing so any business or individual can have an online e=bookselling storefront for free.
ComSPARC covers a wide range of publishing and consulting services including science, technology, and entertainment.
First Fruit Publishing
First Fruit Publishing is a full offering publisher of books that educate, entertain and inspire readers in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Our goal is to provide reading material for people who don't usually have time to read.
KidsEBook Bestsellers.com is currently the only weekly bestseller list of e-books for children and teens from the most popular e-book stores. It also features interviews with the authors of these top ten books.
kindle internet books - 1 followers
A source for kindle books. The books can be downloaded.
John Boring Diffusion
JB-diffusion publishes novels either as printed books as well as electronic publications. We are based in France and develop publications in both French and English.
The Pickatale Club has 100s of stories for kids ages 0-8. We make reading more exciting with great voices and balanced, interactive features, while keeping the 'real book feel'. Our collections include tons of classic fairy tales and other subjects.
Duhbooks are the most entertaining e-books for kids!
Lernabit provides educational digital media products.
Write On Press
Write On Press is a boutique publisher specializing in low cost publication of fiction, fantasy and sci-fi for new, up and coming authors.
Raquel Zepeda Fitzgerald
This book is the second installment in the Osiris Trilogy Mystery Series. The story takes place in San Francisco, California and South Florida.
The Tri-Screen Connection, LLC
The Tri-Screen Connection represents a launch pad for broad adoption of new-media communications services, including digital content and publishing.
High Tec Productions
High Tec Productions offers the highest quality of video, audio, e-book production. In house video and audio studio, in house editors for your ebook publication. We take you manuscript and turn it into an ebup, help you publish it to amazon.com.
We are developing an patented e-Reader that improves readers experience and at the same time creates a new global marketing solution for all types of publications on the WEB. It reaches readers as they read in a non intrusive or abusive way.
Marble City Publishing
Independent publisher of crime, thriller, mystery and suspense novels in print and e-book formats. Ireland based, international marketing, international authors.
Our mission is to adapt/convert your written materials and oral presentations for mobile devices, tablets and e-readers.
Groovy Outdoors Publishing
Groovy Outdoors Publishing can assist you in formatting, developing, publishing, and marketing your Kindle e-book, print edition book, article, or other publication at a very reasonable cost–well below our competitors. Includes submission to Amazon.
Taylor Street Publishing LLC
Established in San Francisco in 2012 to publish the works of 75 authors, with a particular focus on books that will lead to major Hollywood movies, TV movies and TV series.
All Star Press
All Star Press is an independent book publisher and marketing company for authors who are looking to make a positive difference in the world. All Star Press - Books That Change Lives.
ebookmakr is the easiest online ebook software that enables writers and publishers to enter e-publishing smoothly: create ebooks, publish ebooks and market ebooks online from new content or by converting a blog to ebook
Romance Author Tamelia Tumlin
Official Website for Romance Author Tamelia Tumlin
Budding Reader
Socially responsible publisher on mission to make learning to read easier and more fun for children, especially reluctant readers. We donate an eBook for every one we sell.
NetRead e-Distribution - 1 followers
NetRead e-Distribution provides ebook distribution services to all of the major ebook retailers and platform.
New author Ronald L. Herron is a member of the National Writers Association, Michigan Writers, and the Academy of American Poets. He has worked for advertising agencies and a Fortune 10 company. He lives in Michigan with his wife and a very large cat.
Kindle ar Amazon
Distributor of Kindle Products, Books and Accessories
Stoneforger's Den
Imprint of Self-Published author Vasileios Kalampakas. Publishing novels in e-book and paperback format through print-on-demand services, Amazon.com and Smashwords.com.
Ameya Inspiring Books
‘Ameya’ - Today and Tomorrow :
Ameya has established a reputation for publishing books which are rich in content, creatively designed, attractively packaged and produced with the latest technology in the field of printing.
Gray Cadence
Gray Cadence is an independent publishing house located in Portland, Oregon
Staccato Publishing
Small publisher offering editorial services, staff reviews, marketing and publishing services.
Stephanie Hale Group
Stephanie J Hale is founder of The Millionaire Bootcamp for Authors and author of 'Millionaire Authors' Secrets'.
She's founder of Oxford Literary Consultancy and former Assistant Director of creative writing at Oxford University.
Andre carter, Author
Andre Carter is the creator of http://Justaskdre.webs.com where anyone can have their relationship questions answered free & anonymously. Andre is the Author of The Man-ual (The mens relationship bible) and Say No To Less Than 7 Figures in Real Estate.
Self Publishing Press
Company helps authors get books into the hands of readers by self-publishing. With digital printing, authors control the amount and timing of their book's publication. Orders for books are printed as demanded, with no inventory for authors to manage.
S.K. Epperson
Author of ten novels, a collection of shorts, numerous novellas and short stories.
Crescent Suns e-Books
Crescent Suns e-Books began with the idea of locating and serving as a co-op venue for helping struggling indie authors to get published. Using Smashwords.com and Amazon.com as our primary sources for getting these authors published. Designed to help YOU.
Greyhart Press
Greyhart Press sells science fiction, horror, thrillers, and fantasy books through retailers such as amazon.com.
A selection of complete stories are always available for free.
Stella James Studios
Brand New Movie Studio creates all original unique series, movies, music, music videos, ringtones, games and more for the online platform sjlume.com. Sjlume.com is offering free subscriptions for a limited time.
Top 10 Directories
We are an articles and reviews site. We specialize in earning opportunities online, working from home, self-help e-books, outsourcing web design, web application develpment , education and training.
ArthurBookHouse are publishers, book reviewers, and press release experts. Their titles are printed by Lightning Source and made available on amazon.com, amazon.co.uk and other bookstores worldwide by Ingram Book Company.
ACFEI Media is the à la carte publishing arm of the American College of Forensic Examiners International, a credentialing company that manages professional associations. ACFEI Media lets authors choose services they need for print and digital publishing.
Fireblade Publishers
Self-publishing house specialising in fantasy, science fiction and horror e-books.
Bulmer Press
We publish exciting action adventure stories for 7-11 years starring Matthew John and his faithful bat Bulmer. These stories for children are available as e-books and will soon be available in print also.
Tell My People The Truth
New Christian Author Michael Anthony Gagliardi has wrote new e book titled: A Divine Connection With A Message From God. Subtitle: "Michael Yes Lord. "Tell My People The Truth!" Website is: http://tellmypeoplethetruth.com
Infinite Prowess Enterprise, LLC
We here at Infinite Prowess Enterprises, LLC are in the business of Life Enrichment. We provide our clients with exceptional products, services, and tools on Personal Growth, Spiritual Wholeness, Health & Wellness, and Accelerated Wealth Creation.
Varinder Taprial
Lit Agency is a Mumbai based Literary Agency run by Varinder Taprial and Priya Kanwar. The agency provides assistance to authors wanting to publish books as Print on Demand or e-books and a Manuscript Review service.
Etopia Press
Independent publishing company specializing in novels, novellas, and short stories in multiplel genres. My categories are literary, mystery, and horror.
Alnpete Press
Alnpete Press is an independent publisher in the UK. Established towards the end of 2005 with the express purpose of providing a channel for independent voices and an opportunity for independent thinkers to have access to those new voices.
XinXii is an online marketplace for writings, documents and E-Books which empowers authors to self-publish and sell their work. XinXii combines powerful real-time trading tools for self-publisher; it is the leading platform in Europe.
F+W Media International - 1 followers
Media company inspiring, informing and connecting community. High-quality illustrated non-fiction books and e-books for enthusiasts published under David & Charles imprint. One-stop online shop for crafters at www.rucraft.co.uk.
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